It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction. - Rob Reiner

December 04, 2012

Meeting Strangers in the Dark

So this morning I was out for my morning 5K, as part of my December 5K a Day Challenge.  It was about 5:30 am so it was very, very dark...but there were street lights.

Anyway, coming up the street who do I see, but my husband - you know Jim.  I see him coming for probably a 10th of a mile or so.  I smile and say "Hi".  And what does he do?  He runs by me, gives me a head nod and says "Morning" and keeps on running.

He has NO IDEA who I am.  Just says "morning" to me like a complete stranger.  Say what???

I turn around and watch him run past me and I just say "dummy".  It never even registered to him that it was me.

I guess I understand, heck we've only been married 7 1/2 years.


For future reference sweetie, I'll generally look kind of like this when I'm out for a run.


 Have you entered my Chica Bands giveaway.  It ends Sunday!  And so far you have a pretty good chance!


  1. That is hysterical! I'd like to have seen the look on your face. I may wear a helmet when I run but I'd know my husband anywhere.

  2. Yep they're totally oblivious. So funny!

  3. That is a great story! What did he say when you told him?

  4. That is really funny! I think when I'm in my running heaven I might just do the same...but then again, I am a man... :)

  5. HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! That is funny, Like MissZippy, I am curious to what he said after you told him

  6. hahahaha! this made me laugh so hard :)

  7. hahahaha! I just love this. Totally something though that I would do to my hubs over him to me. :)

  8. Sweetie you know I love you ... But do you have any idea how many women throw themselves at me when I'm out running ... Well, okay none. But still, it was really dark.

  9. Bahaha, this is awesome and kind of makes my morning. Freaking hilarious.


  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Speaking of "throwing", you need to take a pancake flipper Michael and toss it at him next time :)

  11. This is hilarious! You should have tried to hit on him ;)

  12. Rude! ha ha... That is pretty awesome. true focus.

  13. Ha! Awesome. Did he have headphones in? Did you beat him senseless when you both got home? Hahaha.

  14. I've run into friends before, and it usually takes me about a half a mile before I register who I've seen

  15. That's hilarious but as a guy runner, I probably would have done the same thing. I've had women runners say good morning Mike and my response was "morning" and I never figured out who it actually was. Guy runners don't say anything so no issues there :-).

  16. Had the blinders on, and was heading back to the barn :)

  17. Perhaps he was just engrossed in his awesome 115 mile training run he needed to get done before work so he'd be rested enough to get in the remaining 35 after work. Haha! A great post. I love it.

  18. Very behind on my blog reading!!! This was hysterical. Poor Jim... he's not going to live this one down. :)

  19. HA HA HA HA HA!

    And I love his comment on this post :)

  20. Missed this post when I was sick. This made me seriously laugh out loud. Guess he was "in the zone" on that run.
