It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction. - Rob Reiner

November 10, 2011

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut…..

Anyone remember that old Almond Joy/Mounds jingle??  I have it stuck in my head now, and maybe now so do you!

So, I am feeling like the nut these days – as in being cracked with the nutcracker.  My body does not love me AT ALL.  It is falling apart…just like the nut cracks and breaks apart, I am too.  It’s so frustrating.  I have been trying to be an endurance athlete since May of 2009, so not that long really, but in that time I have had:  a tibial stress fracture, damaged cartilage in my shoulder that may still require surgery, two damaged nerves in my foot, constant back pain, and now pretty severe hip pain.  I wouldn’t have any idea what it was actually like to train without pain or fear of the next injury.  I had a pretty good run this summer.  I was training hard and mostly injury free until the shoulder injury, and things have just kind of gone downhill from there.

So what am I doing about it?  Re-evaluating, changing things.  I am hopeful to make some positive changes that will impact me in the long run.  I’m just afraid I’m doing too little, too late to be able to get me to the finish line of this marathon.  I’m still plugging away at my marathon goal, but I’m in pain EVERY single run, EVERY single step.  I’m scared to death I might have a stress fracture in my left hip, but I’m still running….and staying away from a Dr or an MRI I just don’t want to know.

What I am doing is seeing a new Dr.  Yes, he is a chiropractor and I know a lot of people don’t believe in them, but I do.  He is a specialized chiropractor who practices ART (Active Release Technique).  Basically he works on the soft tissue that has been damaged by overuse.  He also has a “movement coordinator” who gives you specific exercises and stretches to work on at home to improve the situation.  I have been for 3 visits and have seen some improvement.  He told me it’s going to take some time.  He told me the damage I have done to my back has left my entire core unstable.  It’s like I’m running on a house of cards.  He thinks the shoulder injury was do to my unstable core, and certainly the current hip and back pain.  So that’s what I’m working on.  Stabilizing my core, which means DAILY core work – mainly planks and stretching literally every hour if I’m able.  This Dr. also focuses on overall wellness which I think is pretty cool.  What are other things that are impacting you?  He suggested I read the books Born to Run and The Paleo Diet for Endurance Athletes.  Yes, he is a proponent of minimalist running and the basic concepts of the Paleo Diet.  I’m not crazy about the thoughts of doing Paleo, but at the end of the day I’m just about ready to try anything.  I have read these theories before, they are not new to me, but maybe there is something to the fact that grains cause inflammation in the body – which I certainly don’t need to add more to what’ already there.  So, over the next month or so, I will likely try the diet out for a few weeks. 

I’m at this point.  What do I really have to lose?  I’m going to give this guy 4 to 6 weeks.  If I’m following his regimen and seeing benefits from this “madness”, I will continue.  If not, I’ll try something else.  So that’s where I am……..hopeful….always hopeful!

Have any of you ever tried the Paleo diet?  How about ART?  Thoughts?????


  1. Hey-- I am in the middle of reading Chi Running and am loving it-- not usually a fan of those kind of things but it talks all about running without all the abuse on the body...not sure if it could work with your injuries, but might be worth a look-- you can check out some of the techniques online.

  2. I am always interested in learning more about alternative methods for cures. I've tried to incorporate "barefoot/minimalist" running, but it's hard to maintain distance while making the transition, and frankly my calves kill after every time I try to run in vibrams. As for paleo, I'd be curious to learn more about it, I've seen it mentioned in some other blogs, but I haven't taken the time to learn more yet. As you decided and or implement it, keep us updated!

  3. I absolutely love that you are doing your research and everything in your power to fix things. Your determination is so inspiring to me. I have never tried Paleo but I have heard a lot of good things about it and like you said it can't hurt to try right?

    Best of luck!!

  4. Hope you figure it all out soon! I remember when I ran my first marathon I said I'd never do one again because I spent the entire training wearing 2 knee braces and taking advil before during and after each run!! Then I too did some research and made some changes and am happy to say I was able to run my second marathon pain free! Good Luck!

  5. I've done the Paleo diet off and on for years. My body thrives on it, but it drives my husband crazy, so I cook *mostly* paleo these days. Just meat and veggies. Yum.

  6. Are you a neutral runner? If you have to wear support or motion control shoes, I have read too many articles that those type of runners need to stay away from miminal running

    When does the offseason start for you so you can take some time to rest and heal up?

    Paleo is such a strict diet, I dont have that kind of will power

  7. I'm not sold on paleo, but I am totally sold on ART. It's had noticeable and quick results for me.

    It does make sense that everything could be related to your core. As soon as one thing in your body is off, you start compensating elsewhere, and potentially causing other problems.

  8. I don't like anything with the word "diet" in it I think it's all about experimenting /w different foods, plus everyone tends to forget that women NEED more fat on their bodies. I know you are trying to change your diet for health reasons though, so maybe go see a naturopath?

    Also I have never been to a chiropractor but I've heard they are good. They bad thing about them is this - usually you end up relying on them,,but if you can afford it why not feel better!

  9. I'm agree with rockstar. ART is painful but it is such a good pain. Love it and it works for me. I keep reading about the Paleo diet, but it sounds so restricting. I myself just try to cut back on my carbs.

  10. Dealing with my on pain in the ass right now. :) I've been doing the chiro and they in turn have done some ART. OUCHIE MOMMA...but I think it helped... I'm pretty sure a more intense ART session will be in order.

    On the advice of Jill (runwithJill) I'm trying a minimalist shoe. The few time I got the chance to run in them before my hip totally messed up (I was already having problems before the shoes) I loved the feel and can not wait to spend more time in them.

    Hugs to you. I'm so sorry that you have been battling so many issues.

  11. ART saved me and returned me to running when nothing else worked. It was a chiropractor and I have been a big believer ever since although I think my husband thinks I am going to a witch doctor.

    Good luck!

  12. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know how frustrating it must be! I really hope your new dr. is able to help you!!

    By the way, I loved "Born to Run" and have totally converted to minimalist running. I'm a true believer!

  13. I have not tried the paleo diet but I do believe in "clean"eating. I think it's worth trying. Good luck, I hope you find relief!

  14. Wow! Michael, I am SO sorry that you are dealing with yet another injury! I think you are doing the right thing to be proactive and research all of your options. You really do have to be your own advocate, health-wise. In reference to your hip pain, I wouldn't worry about a femoral neck stress fracture unless you are expiencing deep groin pain. That was the case for me (both times!) and from what I have read is a pretty classic symptom. Otherwise you might be dealing with IT band issues. And I do agree with checking out minimalist running.... I've read Born to Run and Chi Running and have even been able to attend a chi running workshop. You do have to transition to minimalist running VERY slowly though or you can end up with even more problems! I do think you are on to a key issue with targeting core strength work as well... I think that may have been a problem for me as well, so I'm working on that too... Don't give up!

  15. I am sorry you are dealing with all this. I hope this will work for you. I know about following very strict diet. It is hard, no question about it but you can do this. I make different meals for my kids and Bill. It is almost impossible to dine out. BUT it is necessary for my health.
    you can do it.

  16. Active Release Therapy is so effective but it hurts like a b@#ch. I put it in the same realm as childbirth but no epidural.

  17. I like ART (HURTS but it worked for me)...Everytime I try to change my form I get injured!! But Chi running has been pretty good for me.

    Paleo would be SO TOUGH for me. I don't like meat much. Like I eat it for protein, but I don't really like it much.

  18. I've never done ART but all my injuries have been bone related. I wish you the best!! I'm on a in-between vegetarian/paleo right now :)

  19. Sorry about all the problems you've had with your body. I guess I can relate, because 2011 is the worst year I've ever had on the athletic front. I've never really been injured before this year, so it has been tough.

    Now recently I thought that I was back to normal, but in the past week I've noticed that I have some pain in my right ankle/foot area (opposite leg that I had all my knee and IT band issues on). So now I'm afraid that I might have a stress fracture. It hurts somewhat to run. I probably will go to the doctor in a week or so, to know what I'm dealing with - for my own piece of mind. If I have a stress fracture or something like that, I guess that's how it goes.

  20. Oh, and ART is useful, I thought it was good at relieving pain and getting rid of scar tissue. It may hurt, but it is useful. I also think foam rolling on the GRID foam roller is really useful too.

  21. I read your post this morning and sang the jingle ALL DAY. Thanks :) And I love my chiropractor, so go with what works for you and don't listen to all the crap all the nay sayers tell you. Hope you get back to 100% soon and that your husband shaves!!

  22. I haven't read the Paleo diet but I love Born to Run and have enjoyed the small amount of barefoot running I've done (haven't shelled out the bucks for the shoes, so I just go to a nice safe football field and run it shoeless for short periods of time). Good luck to you overcoming these injuries and aches--perseverance is key and you have that.

  23. For Christmas I'm going to buy you a new shoulder, hip, back and some new feet just for kicks, no pun intended!! I want you to get better!!!!
