It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction. - Rob Reiner

February 08, 2012

Hooked Me Right In…….

I know this is not news to anyone, but Disney is a marketing genius.

So, when I ran the Disney World Marathon in January, all over the expo were t-shirts and medals showing Disney’s Coast to Coast Challenge.  Basically, all you have to do is run a marathon or half marathon in both Disney parks in the same year and you automatically get an “extra” medal to commemorate this great accomplishment.

So immediately, before I even ran the marathon, my mind was churning.  I knew I wanted that Coast to Coast medal.  So after we got home I started looking at races at Disney Land.  They don’t have a full marathon – shew – don’t have to go there again, but they do have a half in September.  My sister lives in LA, so I thought, wow how awesome would that be?  I could go visit my sister, run the half marathon, and get my medal(s) it’s a win-win-win!! 

So I e-mailed my sister and asked about the timing of the visit, and added – would you want to run with me???  And she said “YES”!  She has done a few half marathons before, but not in awhile.  So now it’s like a win-win-win-win situation!  I am super excited to run a race with my sister – something I’ve never done before.

So I’m all registered and just waiting on September now. Then you’ll see me with one of these babies – pretty sweet right? 


  1. That is a sweet medal. Good luck with your training!

  2. Congratulations!!

    Been able to run with your sister must be awesome :) plus … you'll get that beautiful medal and you’ll run in a Disney park again.


  3. That's great! I treasure the races I was able to do with family members. Not many, but they were all very special. You and your sister will have a very special time for sure.

  4. I want that medal so badly but I just haven't been able to make my schedule work yet to make a cross-country trip to Cali. I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  5. I'm such a sucker for wanting nice medals too! I'll pay big bucks to nab one, even if that means flying into Pakistan.

    Every time I think of Disney I think of the small of waffle cones on main st. as you walk in the gate. They know how to make a memory :)

  6. Nice! I got sucked into the coast to coast thing too. A gift with purchase gets me every time. The course is a little different in that you leave the park grounds and run to the stadium in Anaheim. You take a lap through the stadium and back out to Disney. Pretty cool. Excited for you :)

  7. How fun you'll get to run with your sister. I tried to talk my sister into running (or at least training for) the SanFran marathon, but so far no luck:(

  8. ahhhhh!!!! that will be a blast and i will be so jealous of your medal!!! awesome!

  9. that is awesome!!!! I can't wait till my sister's ankle heals and we can run together. She was into running when I wasn't and vice it'll be nice when we can do a race together....that's awesome that they give you an extra medal :D

  10. The medal is cool, but sharing the event with your sister is an even bigger bonus!

  11. So Awesome...and soooo jealous!

    Wishing I had a sister to run with...
    enjoy every minute of it!

  12. Doesn't get much better than a win-win-win-win. The Disney events are the only ones where I'm yet to read a bad review of the event. I've seen some rough race reports, but that's usually more the runner than the run - we've all been there.

    Enjoy the race, and I'm jealous you've got a sibling to run with. I'm a running island amongst my direct relatives.

  13. that is so awesome!! I keep coming back to disney races bc as you said, they're marketing geniuses. One day I'll fork over the money to do at least one race.

  14. That is so awesome Michael!! I have ran a few 5ks with my sister and it has definitely been incredibly memorable. What a fun thing to look forward to. :)

  15. That is so cool! I love when race organizations do stuff like that. I have heard the Disneyland Half Marathon is fantastic too, and how fun to run it with your sister!

  16. I agree with all those wins! ANd a half instead of a full would work for me!

  17. Awesome! Will be so great to run with your sister! And the extra bling well that's just icing on the cake!

  18. That's great. I need very little incentive to organise a travelling race - one of those medals would just about do it. And being able to run with your sister is fantastic.

  19. It's a pretty looking medal! I haven't ever done a Disney race, but they sound fun. :)

  20. Aw, I have total medal envy right now! What a great thing to look forward to with your sister :)

  21. Great plan!!! Please dont rush September.... I want my summer to last a while :)

  22. I really want to do a race with my sister. She has been losing weight....I think Couch to 5K is her next do I push without being pushy? :^)

    You will have so much fun w/ your sis!

  23. Do it! And then I might be able to meet you! We have Disneyland season passes so we're out there a lot in the summer and holidays and stuff... damn school gets in the way of our Disneyland trips...

  24. Sounds like a wonderful idea for two of my girls.

  25. I am all about the bling, I would do those races for the extra medal

  26. That is awesome. I would want one of those medals too. Especially since you've already done half the work.

  27. Yes, I agree - as soon as I saw the Coast to Coast medal I needed it. So in 2010, I did the Goofy in WDW AND did the Disneyland Half in CA. Some very nice (and heavy) bling.
