It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction. - Rob Reiner

February 03, 2014

I'll Call January a Success!

Well thank goodness we are through January - that puts us another month closer to Summer!  I can't wait for warmer weather when I can go outside and run with just shorts and a tank.  Not to mention bike and swim outside!

January was mostly good.  I definitely feel like a triathlete again.  I'm still not swimming as much as I need to, but getting in the pool at all in January is a step in the right direction.  It's starting to feel much better.  Those first few swims were just miserable with arms and lungs burning, but I'm starting to find my rhythm again.  Which is awesome!  My first outdoor tri is in early May and I'm already a little concerned with the how cold the swim is going to be.  I think we are in for a COLD one unless we get a warm-up soon!  I'm hoping to do an indoor tri this year as a "warm-up" race to really see where I'm at.

Anyway, back to January.  So here are the totals for January.  Not bad for a re-building month

Swim: 1.79 Miles (4 Swims) 2 hours 1 Minute
Bike:  172.63 Miles (11 Bikes) 12 Hours 3 Minutes
Run:  67.76 Miles (15 Runs) 14 Hours and 4 Minutes
Bricks: 3 Total (1 Bike/Run Only; 2 Swim/Bike/Runs)

I wasn't really good about tracking my strength training/core work, but I've been doing this a minimum of 2 days a weeks!  So all in all a great month of training.  I still need to be doing a lot more, but I'm getting there.

I also had a really encouraging 10 mile run on Sunday (technically Feb).  The roads were totally ice covered, so my options were to go run on an indoor track or treadmill it.  I decided on the lesser of two evils - the indoor track.  Luckily the track wasn't too busy.  It is totally mind numbing to run around and around in a circle on a 1/14 mile track.  You feel like you are never getting anywhere - 14 laps to a mile = ugh.  Luckily I have a Garmin footpod to help track my mileage instead of trying to keep up with all those laps.  I'm not sure I could accurately track 140 way. 

Anyway, while I realize the terrain is a little easier since it's totally flat I was really happy with my overall pace and stamina.  I would run a mile and then walk one lap, so it helped break the run up a little bit. I was able to maintain my pace pretty well the entire 10 miles which was really encouraging.  My last few long runs I've completely run about of steam after about 7 or 8 miles and finished the last few miles way slower than I started, but not Sunday!  My last two miles were actually faster than the most of my miles for the run.  Winning!

I have a half marathon coming up in just under three weeks and I was starting to get a little worried, so this was a nice confidence builder.  It seems like FOREVER since I did a race.  I'm really looking forward to it, and hoping we'll have nice weather.  It's been a truly miserable winter.

So how is your training going?  How are you dealing with this Winter weather (if you have it)?

I'll leave you with a hysterical video if you haven't seen it.  If you have ever ran a marathon, you will totally be able to relate to this!

And here we go with those "almost" numbers again.  I'm at 98 FB "Likes"...98!  Let's make it 100 please :)  So if you haven't already will you please "like" my page?


  1. Great Month!! Love the video!

  2. What an awesome month of training :) Rock on you! I'm using February as my kick it into gear month. I was way to freaking lazy in January!

  3. You are on top of things! I have been pretty good with running, but I haven't kept close track. I think I got about100 miles in, which looking back, is pretty dang good for me post IT band depression.

  4. You had a great month. So good to hear that your hard work is paying off and your swimming and running are starting to feel better.

  5. Great job with all the training! Especially the swimming. That would be the hardest for me to get going on. My current main running/riding partner is a serious triathlete, so I'm a little afraid I'm going to catch the bug and end up entering one.

    Treadmill would be the lesser of the two evils for me, as much as I dislike it. The indoor track makes me crazy. Glad you had such an encouraging run. That's such a good feeling!

  6. I'm so impressed by swimming in January!! Really, I'm impressed by anybody who swims willingly at all. :) Great month!

  7. That looks like such a great month, especially given that you didn't even quantify all that core/weights stuff you just sort of mentioned in passing. Hopefully that first tri won't be too cold--isn't that why you triathlete crazies wear wetsuits? :^)

    Thanks again for the earplug tip. I'll give those a try. I don't think anything will make me love swimming, though.

    1. Wetsuits can only do so much. Your face is still in the water and it can take your breath away! I actually enjoy the swim most of the time once I'm there...but I literally HATE the act of getting to from the pool. Such a pain.

  8. Love it that you're back at it!! We're still a way from summer and you have plenty of time to get in top shape, at least that's what I'm telling myself. Yes, cold water is brutal, that's why I'm a big baby and refuse to get in before June. Rock on, girl!

  9. Great job! OMG, 140 laps, I think I'd get dizzy.

  10. Great news about January. I first started "running" two years ago by walking the perimeter of the off leash dog park (while my insane Border Collie darted around). It was a quarter mile around, and after I built up, I ran the perimeter 10 times! I think in a small way that must have been what your 140 laps were like (though you probably had to be less vigilant than I).

    I saw that video somewhere. I'm running my first full in October (Portland), and I'm taking a lot of comfort from the video.

    1. Trust me, I've been through every stage of that marathon video, so when you get there just know that it's totally normal :)

  11. That video is disturbingly, shockingly, hilariously accurate. Great job on your training despite crappy weather!

  12. Good job on January. The top I have on in my race is from Lululemon. I got it last year so I'm guessing they don't have it. It's reversible and has a non stripe side too.

  13. 14 laps for 1 mile?! Kudos to you! That sounded painful.

  14. Nice training! I'm totally ready for spring too. It's been a rough winter.

    140 laps is really impressive!
