It's a very slow process - two steps forward, one step back - but I'm inching in the right direction. - Rob Reiner

January 15, 2013

Starting the Year Off on a Not so Positive Note

Like most of you, the New Year rolls around and you have plans, big plans.  You want to get faster, lose weight, do more races, etc.  That was my goal.  Start 2013 out strong and go strong all year. 

Well, sometimes, no matter what the plan your body/life has other plans. 

My first few days of the year were fine, but for the last 10 days I've been fighting a sinus infection and bronchitis.  It knocked me out pretty good.  And I missed 7 solid days of working out.  I haven't done that in I don't know how long.  Finally on Saturday, while still not feeling 100% I decided to get on the treadmill and do something - even if it was just walk a couple of miles.  I felt sluggish, but ended up run/walking 5 miles.  I got in a good sweat and started to feel normal again.  I was able to do another 4 miles the next day and then 2 and a half yesterday. 

I'm definitely feeling better, but still not at 100%.  But you can't use sickness as an excuse forever so I'm moving forward like I always do.  Tonight I have cycle class.  This class is SO HARD!  It's a hard core class for cyclists.  There are about 75 people in the class and only about 8 females.  It's not a spin class, it's truly a cycling class as everyone has their own bikes and trainers.  It runs 1:45 minutes to 2 hours, twice a week.  It's tough.  It's gonna kick my butt, especially since I missed all last week.  Oh well, frankly I need a little butt kicking.

So, I'll be biking and running this I've just got to make myself get back in that pool!

I will be traveling for work all of next week and part of the following that is going to further complicate me trying to get into a good routine again, especially swimming, but I'm going to do my best. 

Hope every one's New Year is starting out a bit better than mine.  But if it's not, it's ok.  Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get going!!!

On a separate note, the Walt Disney World Marathon was this past weekend.....brings back so many memories from last year.  Congrats to all of you who might have ran it!  It helps remind me I'm capable of great things, even if the year didn't start off so hot!

January 03, 2013

2013 Goals and Tenative Race Calendar

Last year, for the first time, I put goals on paper for 2012.  I have to say they helped me stay motivated because I wanted to be able to say I achieved them.  I had 8 goals and achieved 7.  I was pretty satisfied with that.  If you missed my recap you can read it here.  So I wanted to do the same thing again.  I want these to be stretch goals, not something I know that I can do, but something I know I'll have to push myself to do.  I'm not so sure I have some of these in me....time will tell.  So I've given these some serious thought and here goes:

2013 Goals

1.  Log 1000 running miles.
2.  Complete 2nd marathon and set a 15 minute PR.
3.  Run a 5K with a pace in the 9s.
4.  Shave 3 minutes of my half marathon PR (2:20)
5.  Get to my goal weight by April and stay there through year-end.
6.  Swim 52 miles
7.  Bike 1900 miles

So that's it.  All mileage would be an increase from 2012...and swimming is almost a 100% increase, but I put that there to keep me swimming even outside of tri season.  It's kind of the same for biking, the mileage is only about 100 more miles, but I won't be training for a Half Ironman this year, so my miles won't be that high over the summer, but I want to keep cycling even in the Winter months (probably on the trainer)

Here's my Tentative Race Schedule for 2013

Jan - ??
Feb - Lost Dutchman Half Marathon, Apache Junction, Arizona
March - Tatur 3 hour Snake Run (Trail Run)

April - Rock the Parkway Half Marathon, Kansas City, MO
May - Indianapolis Mini Marathon, Indy, IN

June - Hospital Hill Half Marathon, Kansas City, MO; Topeka Tinman Triathlon, Topeka, KS
July - WIN for KC Triathlon, Smithville, MO

Aug - ??
September - Hyvee 5150 Triathlon, Des Moines, IA

Oct - Chicago Marathon
Nov - ??
Dec ??
I'm sure more will be added to the list. But that's where it stands right now.  How about you?  What races are you planning for 2013.  Any new distances?

January 02, 2013

December 5K a Day Winner & Recap

The December 5K a Day Challenge officially ended on Monday, December 31.  We started with 12 daring ladies, including myself.  In the end 3 AMAZING women were able to complete the challenge.  Serious Congrats go out to

Raina @ Small Town Runner
Bobbi @ Zero to 26.2
Kim @ ilaxSTUDIO

You ladies are seriously amazing and inspiring!  But sadly, there can only be one winner.  I really hate that because I think you are all winners......but I can only afford one winner.  So, by virtue of the winner of my first annual December 5K a Day Challenge is.....

Bobbi!!  Congrats Bobbi you have won a $25 Amazon gift card. 

But wait there's more.  There also had to be a week 4 winner.  And you ladies were also the only ones who streaked in week 4.  So the week 4 winner is.....

Raina!!  Congrats Raina you have won these reflective Road ID wrist bands.

Sorry Kim :( but I'm glad that you at least won one of the earlier weekly prizes.  You ladies were amazing during this challenge and really logged some incredible mileage!

In total everyone combined logged an impressive 1191 miles during this challenge!

Thanks to everyone who participated.  I hope it helped keep you motivated and active during December.  I'm thinking maybe I'll do this again next year.  What do you think????  Any ideas for improvement??