Well, sometimes, no matter what the plan your body/life has other plans.
My first few days of the year were fine, but for the last 10 days I've been fighting a sinus infection and bronchitis. It knocked me out pretty good. And I missed 7 solid days of working out. I haven't done that in I don't know how long. Finally on Saturday, while still not feeling 100% I decided to get on the treadmill and do something - even if it was just walk a couple of miles. I felt sluggish, but ended up run/walking 5 miles. I got in a good sweat and started to feel normal again. I was able to do another 4 miles the next day and then 2 and a half yesterday.
I'm definitely feeling better, but still not at 100%. But you can't use sickness as an excuse forever so I'm moving forward like I always do. Tonight I have cycle class. This class is SO HARD! It's a hard core class for cyclists. There are about 75 people in the class and only about 8 females. It's not a spin class, it's truly a cycling class as everyone has their own bikes and trainers. It runs 1:45 minutes to 2 hours, twice a week. It's tough. It's gonna kick my butt, especially since I missed all last week. Oh well, frankly I need a little butt kicking.
So, I'll be biking and running this week.....now I've just got to make myself get back in that pool!
I will be traveling for work all of next week and part of the following week.....so that is going to further complicate me trying to get into a good routine again, especially swimming, but I'm going to do my best.
Hope every one's New Year is starting out a bit better than mine. But if it's not, it's ok. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get going!!!
On a separate note, the Walt Disney World Marathon was this past weekend.....brings back so many memories from last year. Congrats to all of you who might have ran it! It helps remind me I'm capable of great things, even if the year didn't start off so hot!